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Präs, natural recharge even while working!

If you would like to bring a little energy to long meetings or increase the attention and efficiency of your colleagues, choose Präst!
Our juices, rich in sparkling flavors and vitamins, serve as a great addition to a company event. 
We recommend it for meetings, workshops and events. Or even if you just want to bring a little color into the gray, office everyday life

Why is it a good idea to brighten up the office atmosphere with Präs?

The positive effect of our juices on the immune system is a proven fact. With Präs, you support the healthy lifestyle of your employees. Healthy soul in healty body! Increase workplace efficiency by giving the organization what it needs.


We recommend it for companies that are office based
they also want to strive for health awareness in the environment, in addition, supporting the healthy lifestyle of employees, environmental awareness and sustainability are also important to them.


Zero waste

Präs voted in favor of zero-waste. Zero-waste is a vision of life without garbage. A life in which we try to avoid waste - and make sure that unavoidable waste is separated for recycling or direct reuse.

We hope you think so too!

Only nature really wins with us!

Our goal is that the fruit or vegetable juice that you drink from our bottles and balloons should not only be fruity or taste similar, but that we can give you the fruit itself. Cold pressing is the process that made this possible for you.


During the process, the cleaned, carefully selected raw material is chopped and ground in accordance with the slow pressing technology. Hydropresses of various sizes are used to extract larger amounts of juice, and gentle, slow-rotating screw presses are used to process smaller amounts of raw materials.

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